The Lonely Zebra

The Lonely Zebra COVER for website

Ziggy the Zebra is lonely and has no friends! Who will stop him feeling sad?

Introducing The Lonely Zebra, the first book from Wright Way Publications aimed at 5 year-olds. Released March 2016, it is a lovely little children’s book complete with full colour illustrations on every page by Claire Zillwood.

What happens to a zebra in the snow? Where do zebras come from and why do they have those stripes anyway? And who will stop Ziggy the zebra crying? This is a sad story with a feel-good ending.

Buy The Lonely Zebra for just £2.95 from Matt, Moorleys or from Amazon.

Just like with The Roman Road, there is a children’s programme you can use with your church if you would like. It is for children in reception – year 4, and can be found here: fun-day-activities-plan-1